“Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological, and Scientific Olympics of the Mind”
2018 Competition Information
• ACT-SO is a competition for African-American students grades 9th – 12th
• Students can compete in up to 3 of the 26 categories
• Friday, March 30th is the deadline to submit ACT-SO applications. Applications can be emailed to clevelandnaacp@yahoo.com or mailed to the NAACP ACT-SO Program, 16400 Miles Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44128.
Please make sure all criteria are adhered to upon submission and applications are accompanied with required material.
• Contestants will be contacted upon receipt of application with scheduled competition times. Judges will evaluate contestants on criteria established by the National NAACP Office. ACT-SO criteria packets are available at the NAACP office or by emailing the ACT-SO Chairperson clevelandnaacp@yahoo.com.
• The local ACT-SO Awards Ceremony will be determined at a later date.
• All first-place winners will receive an expense paid trip to compete at the NAACP National Competition in San Antonio, Texas July 12-15, 2018 which will kick off the National NAACP Convention.
• Please contact the NAACP office at (216) 231.6260 or e-mail clevelandnaacp@yahoo.com with any questions regarding ACT-SO.
• ACT-SO is an AWESOME Competition for youth! Please help us spread the word. “Celebrating ACT-SO’s 40th Anniversary”